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Suffering an oral trauma as serious as dental avulsion often results in significant damage to the knocked-out tooth and the socket that once held it. Keeping a cool head while providing quality first aid will increase your chances of treatment success. To that end, Dr. Drs. Nichols and Cicmanec offers the following first-aid information.

If you have blood or debris in your mouth, you can rinse them away and soothe the injured tissues with lukewarm saltwater. This will help you get a clear view of the damage to your mouth.

It might be possible for your dentist to implant the tooth back into the socket. However, this is very rare. For this to have any hope of success, the damage to the socket must be minimal while the tooth must be whole and alive.

In a pinch, you can keep it alive by holding it between your cheek and gums. Milk and warm water are poor alternatives. There are also tooth-preservation products available in stores that are actually ideal. This is a canister filled with a specially formulated nourishing gel. To use it, you simply place the knocked-out tooth in the jar and seal it. The nourishing gel will keep it alive for a short time while your dentist assesses and treats the situation.

If any part of the tooth root remains in the socket, your dentist will most likely have to extract the root and any remaining dental matter. Once your gums have healed, they can help you select the restoration option that best suits you. Most people choose either a dental implant or a standard piece of bridgework.

If you need treatment for a knocked-out tooth in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, you should call (605) 335-8640 to schedule an emergency appointment at Prairie Dental Center.