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Gum disease is the inflammation or infection of the gum tissues. The American Dental Association estimates that up to 47 percent of adults over the age of 30 struggle with some form of periodontal disease. It is primarily caused by hardened tartar at the gumline; however, habits, like tobacco use, and certain medical conditions, like diabetes, can serve as increased risk factors.

Poor oral hygiene allows gingivitis to develop in the gums. This often includes symptoms like inflamed gums that bleed easily during brushing and flossing as well as problems with chronic bad breath. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, you should schedule an appointment for treatment at Prairie Dental Center.

Without timely treatment and improvements to your daily oral hygiene routine, gingivitis can exacerbate. If it develops into periodontitis, the complications can be severe and long lasting.

This level of infection in the gum tissues can cause your gums to recede from the base of your teeth. This enables pockets of infection to form deep within the gum tissues. In time, it can even cause the loss of structure in the bones that anchor your teeth.

The systemic inflammation resulting from chronic gum disease can also impact your immune system. New and continuing research has found that this can be related to other medical conditions including diabetes, heart disease and certain types of cancer. You should note that while periodontal disease cannot cause these conditions, the conditions do seem to have some level of impact or they can limit your treatment options.

If you are concerned that you have developed gum disease in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, you should call (605) 335-8640 to seek treatment with Dr. Prairie Dental Center.